SOAK*2022 Happened!

SOAK happened, and what a SOAK it was!

The event was just as marvelous, joyful, wacky and weird as always, and we hope you left Tygh Valley with energy to share with the wider community. While you’re winding down and unpacking from the weekend, here are a few important resources to consider.

General Feedback — Do you have any feedback, suggestions, or thoughts about the event? We’re always striving to do things better and would love to hear from you! Email with your ideas.

Moop and Found — Did you lose something? Did you end up with someone else's thing(s)? Visit the Moop and Found Facebook Page and follow the instructions there or email

Covid Testing — Being a responsible member of the community means getting tested for Covid after attending a large event like SOAK. Take some time this week to get tested. If you test positive, make sure to notify those with whom you’ve been in physical contact so that they can take precautions to protect their own health

SOAK Photos — Did you take some awesome photos at SOAK and would like to share them? We are always in need of content to help highlight our community's vibrant art. Email with your photos. Please provide your own info for photo credit, and only share photos where consent was given by any participant whose face was captured.

We want to thank you all one last time for creating such an amazing event and for being so kind to one another after such a difficult few years off. It has truly been an honor to finally SOAK again with all of you while witnessing the incredible creativity and compassion of our Burner community.

Deepest Love and Gratitude,
SOAK Producers & Precipitation Northwest

Saturday night MBS Burn at SOAK*2022. Photo credit Kyle McCallum.


Now hiring producers for SOAK*2023!


Survival Guide and Entry Requirements