Fire Overview

Everyone is responsible for understanding and complying with SOAK’s Event Fire Policy if they are using fire of any kind. Failure to comply with the Event Fire Policy may result in the device being tagged out-of-service for the rest of the event, additional restrictions for continued use may impact current and/or future placement decisions, expulsion from the event, and/or additional penalties.

SOAK Fire Safety reserves the right to prohibit/restrict any/all fire for any reason.

If you have questions, email

Requirements For Specific Devices And Scenes

  • Cooking Equipment 

    1. May not be used in an area that’s more than 75% enclosed 

  • One of the following methods of extinguishing a fire must be nearby and clearly-visible:  

    1. A 3-pound or larger ABC fire extinguisher

    2. A 5-pound or larger CO2 fire extinguisher 

    3. A fire blanket that is at least 3’ by 2’

    4. Must be monitored at all times by a responsible person when in use

  • Propane Heaters

    1. Must not be modified from factory configuration (if modified, see “Fire Art, Custom/Modified Civic Installations, & Custom Fire Devices” section below)

    2. Indoor/Outdoor heaters are generally allowed in open-air areas less than 75% enclosed

    3. Require at least 2x the device height or 8’, whichever is larger, as horizontal clearance from nearest stationary objects (not counting occupied chairs or similar items), and at least 8’ vertical clearance to any overhead objects, measured from the edge of the flames

  • To use a heater in an area that is more than 75% enclosed:

    1. The device must be rated for indoor use

    2. A functional carbon monoxide detector must be posted within 10’ of the device

    3. Requires prior Fire Safety application and approval before use

    4. Requires on-site Fire Safety inspection and tag before the device can be used

      1. Note: Integrated, unmodified, and externally-venting heaters in RVs and trailers are exempt from registration

    5. One of the following methods of extinguishing a fire must be nearby and clearly-visible:  

      1. 3-pound or larger ABC extinguisher

      2. A 2-gallon or larger water extinguisher

      3. Five gallons of water dedicated to fire suppression

      4. Must be monitored at all times by a responsible person when in use

  • Fire Pits

    1. Must not be modified from factory configuration (if modified, see “Fire Art, Custom/Modified Civic Installations, & Custom Fire Devices” section below)

    2. May not be used in an area that’s more than 75% enclosed

    3. Require at least 2x the device height or 8’, whichever is larger, as horizontal clearance from nearest stationary objects (not counting occupied chairs or similar items), and at least 8’ vertical clearance to any overhead objects, measured from the edge of the flames

    4. Must either be placed on bare dirt or have a fire-resistant layer under it (such as a welding blanket or sheet of plywood)

    5. Must be less than or equal to 60,000 BTU, without prior Fire Safety approval

    6. One of the following methods of extinguishing a fire must be nearby and clearly-visible:  

      1. 3-pound or larger ABC extinguisher

      2. A 2-gallon or larger water extinguisher

      3. Five gallons of water dedicated to fire suppression

    7. Must be monitored at all times by a responsible person when in use

  • Generators

    1. May not be used in an enclosed space, structure, or pop-up

    2. Require at least 5’ (vertical and horizontal) clearance from nearest flammable objects (eg vegetation, vehicles, tents, structures, etc)

    3. Extra fuel must be stored separately (See Liquid Fuel Storage Areas)

    4. Must be placed on bare dirt or have a fire-resistant layer under it, such as plywood or a welding blanket 

    5. Require a 3-pound or larger ABC fire extinguisher be nearby and clearly-visible

  • Fire Art, Custom/Modified Civic Installations, & Custom Fire Devices

    1. Require a clear space around fire art 2x the height of the flame device or 8’, whichever is greater 

    2. Must be leak free

    3. Require a ¼ turn shutoff valve at the fuel source, before any hose

    4. Require another ¼ turn shutoff valve at the device if the device is more than 25’ from the fuel source

    5. Fuel lines must be buried, covered, hidden, secured, or otherwise mitigate their trip hazards 

    6. Device must be physically stable

    7. Fuel tanks must be physically stable (100 lb propane tanks must be secured)

    8. Flame height and pattern must not endanger anything

    9. Require adequate ventilation to prevent the accumulation of gas

    10. Require prior Fire Safety application and approval before placement

    11. Require on-site Fire Safety inspection and tag before the device can be used

      1. Fire Safety inspection tag must remain visible for the entire event and not be altered or moved

      2. Any changes after inspection require re-inspection before continued use

    12. One of the following methods of extinguishing a fire must be nearby and clearly-visible:  

      1. A 3-pound or larger ABC extinguisher

      2. A 2-gallon or larger water extinguisher

      3. Five gallons of water dedicated to fire suppression

      4. Fire Safety may require more or larger fire extinguishers, depending on the nature of the fire device

      5. Must be monitored at all times by a responsible person when in use

      6. Waivers will be considered on a case by case basis before the event by the Fire Safety lead, or during the event by the on-duty Fire Safety shift lead

    13. Additional requirements may be imposed depending on the type of device/art

  • Mutant Vehicles with Flame Effects

    1. Require clearance of 2x the height of the flame device or eight feet, whichever is greater 

    2. Must be leak free

    3. Require a ¼ turn shutoff valve at the fuel source, before any hose

    4. Require another ¼ turn shutoff valve at the device if the device is more than 25’ from the fuel source

    5. Device must be physically stable

    6. Fuel tanks must be physically stable

    7. Flame height and pattern must be reasonable

    8. Require adequate ventilation to prevent the accumulation gas

    9. Require prior Fire Safety application and approval before use and Mutant Vehicle registration

    10. Require on-site Fire Safety inspection and tag before the device can be used

      1. Fire Safety inspection tag must remain visible for the entire event and not be altered or moved

      2. Any changes after inspection require re-inspection before continued use

    11. Require a 3-pound or larger ABC fire extinguisher be clearly visible from outside the vehicle 

      1. Depending on the nature of the flame art, Fire Safety may require additional extinguishers 

    12. Must be monitored at all times by a responsible person when in use

    13. Waivers will be considered on a case by case basis before the event by the Fire Safety lead, or during the event by the on-duty Fire Safety shift lead

    14. Additional requirements may be imposed depending on the type of device/art

Fire Performance

  • All Fire Performers require Conclave registration and approval before the event

    1. Limited on-site registration may be available at the discretion of the Fire Conclave Leads

    2. All performers must be sober to do any fire performing

  • All Fire Demonstrations require Conclave registration and approval before the event

    1. Fire demonstrations are only allowed in approved, controlled settings

    2. All fire-related classes (e.g. fire play, fire breathing, etc) must submit a safety plan to Fire Safety for approval before being listed in the WWW or taught on-site (See Reporting / Contact)

  • Fire Performances are limited to:

    1. In-camp dedicated fire performance areas (see below)

    2. Open areas around the event site which comply with all of the restrictions below (e.g. Upper Bowl between the burnable structures, Main Field turn around near the barn, reserved space in the Meadow, etc)

    3. The pre-burn Conclave performance at the MBS on Saturday night

    4. Special educational and training areas designated by Fire Safety 

    5. Require a 20’ clearance from: 

      1. Any vegetation over 2” tall (such as trees or bushes)

      2. Any tent, structures, vehicles, or other object that could be harmed by fire

    6. Fuel dipping station must:

      1. Be separate from the fire circle

      2. Have a sober station manager present

      3. Have a designated dip can with a lid which remains closed except when dipping

    7. Any fuel spill must be reported to Fire Safety by radio

    8. When fueling props, use a spin off container to catch excess fuels when spinning fuel from props before lighting or use a light fuel dip 

    9. Have a designated safety who is sober, capable of assisting in an emergency, and:

      1. Familiar with fire props and how to extinguish them

      2. Able to move quickly and communicate with the fire dancers

    10. No more than 2 fire performers per safety person

    11. At least one of the following types of blankets must be available and be at least 2’ by 3’ in size:

      1. Duvetyne

      2. 100% natural wool blanket

      3. Manufactured fire-extinguishing blanket 

    12. One of the following methods of extinguishing a fire must be nearby and clearly-visible:  

      1. A 3-pound or larger ABC fire extinguisher 

      2. A 5-pound or larger CO2 fire extinguisher

  • Camp-Based Fire Performance Areas

    1. In addition to all of the requirements outlined in Fire Performance above:

      1. In-camp areas must be noted on the camp plan that is submitted to Placement

      2. Area must be clearly marked or designated when in operation

      3. Heavily forested neighborhoods (Forest Entry, North Point Forest, and Riverside), may not have any fire performance areas due to extreme fire danger

General Rules

Use fire responsibly

ALL fire must be monitored at all times by a responsible person

The only approved fuels are: 

  1. Gaseous fuels (propane, butane, and other compressed gasses)

  2. Gasoline (only for generators or mutant vehicles)

  3. Diesel (only for generators or mutant vehicles)

  4. White gas & ultra pure lamp oil (only for fire performance)

  5. Any exceptions to this require Fire Safety approval

Have a clearly-visible fire extinguishing device appropriate for the type of fire and fuel available (See Fire Extinguishers below for more information) 

Be aware of your surroundings and what could catch on fire (tents, grass, brush, etc)

Mitigate trip hazards such as propane hoses by securing them, burying them, or covering them

Have a safety plan

Have a LNT plan, including how to deal with potential spills

Avoid leaving behind any scars or residue by putting the device on:

  • Bare dirt

  • An elevated surface

  • A sheet of plywood

  • Some kind of non-flammable layer like a welding blanket

You must report any of the following to Fire Safety (See Reporting / Contact):

  • Any fuel spills, regardless of fuel type 

  • Any accidental fires 

  • Any use of a fire extinguisher 

Register devices that require prior approval 

Unmodified store-bought heaters and fire pits do not need to be registered

See the Soak website forms page, of click here for the Fire Safety Registration Form 

Items That Are Generally Allowed, Can be used without advanced registration, approval, or on-site inspection

  • Devices that are store-bought (with a UL stamp of approval), that have not been modified in any way, are being used as intended, are always attended, and are not otherwise prohibited or regulated in this Event Fire Policy. 

  • Generators (with a UL stamp of approval) that run on liquid or gaseous fuels

  • Up to 20 gallons of liquid fuel for generators (in appropriate storage containers following Fuel Storage Area guidelines)

  • Propane tanks up to and including 40 pounds

  • Handheld lighters that use gaseous fuels (e.g. standard “Bic” disposable lighters)

Items That Require Registration & Approval 

This category covers everything else that isn’t covered in the Prohibited or Generally Allowed sections and can be registered in advance or on-site by contacting Fire Safety

  • Any fire art or custom/modified fire devices

  • Propane tanks greater than 40 pounds each or several tanks totaling more than 100 pounds

  • Liquid fuel storage totalling more than 20 gallons

  • Any other device with fire in spaces more than 75% enclosed, such as saunas

  • Mutant vehicles with flame effects

    1. All mutant vehicles, even without flame effects, still need to submit the Mutant Vehicle Application form 

  • Any cooking device with more than 1 quart of oil, such as deep fryers

  • Fire performance in designated areas

    1. Registration and approval is required from Fire Conclave

  • Fire demonstration in controlled settings

  • All fire-related classes (e.g. fire play, fire breathing, etc) must register with Fire Conclave and may be required to submit a safety plan to Fire Safety for approval before being listed in the WWW or taught on-site

Prohibited Items - Just don’t

  • Fireworks

  • Solid fuel and solid-fueled devices (including candles) 

  • All other liquid-fueled devices (e.g. kerosene lanterns, cookstoves, heaters, tiki torches, etc)

  • Cooking or heating devices in spaces more than 75% enclosed

  • Fire performance outside designated areas

  • Handheld lighters that use liquid fuels (e.g. refillable “Zippo” style lighters)

While these lists attempt to be expansive we may have forgotten something. If you think something may be questionable please discuss it with Fire Safety

Liquid Fuel Storage Areas

  • All liquid fuels (gasoline, diesel, and white gas) must be stored at least 10’ away from:

    1. Any RV, tent, or other sleeping area

    2. Any driveable roadways (e.g. permanent, SOAK defined, emergency, etc.)

    3. Any source of ignition (e.g. flames, electric motors, generators, smoking, etc.)

  • Liquid fuels in quantities more than 10 gallons must be marked and stored at least: 

    1. 20’ away from any RV, tent, or other sleeping area

    2. 10’ away from any structure, vehicle, or flammable item

  • Any camps needing to store greater than 20 gallons of liquid fuel must notify Fire Safety and receive approval of their storage plan, including the type and size of fire extinguisher(s) required

  • Liquid fuel storage areas of up to ten gallons in size require a 5-pound ABC fire extinguisher to be available nearby and clearly visible

  • Liquid fuel storage areas over ten gallons in size require a 10-pound ABC fire extinguisher to be available nearby and clearly visible

  • Fuel must be stored and transported in containers designed and rated for the type of fuel within

  • Fuel containers must remain closed except when filling or dispensing fuel

  • Fuel storage areas over ten gallons of liquid must be marked with a reflective post, provided by Fire Safety

  • Fuel totals are aggregates for entire camp

Gaseous Fuel Storage Areas

  • Gaseous fuels (such as propane) are limited to 100 pounds per camp

  • For quantities well in excess of 100 lbs, contact Fire Safety with your storage plan to discuss a waiver

  • Tanks may not be stored: 

    1. Within 10’ of any driveable roadways (e.g. permanent, SOAK defined, emergency, etc.)

    2. Indoors, in a vehicle, or in any closed container 

    3. Tanks not in use should be stored away from heat sources and walkways

  • Fuel tanks must be physically stable: 

    1. Propane tanks must not be stacked or otherwise placed haphazardly

    2. 100 lb propane tanks must be physically secured (to a tree, t-stake, etc)

Fire Extinguishers - General Guidelines

  • The fire extinguisher must be an appropriate match for the type of fire being produced

  • To protect an area from liquid fuel fires or grease fires, an ABC extinguisher is required

  • For all other areas, at least one of the following is typically required:  

    1. Class A extinguisher

    2. An ABC extinguisher

    3. 5 gallons of water dedicated to fire suppression

    4. A fire blanket at least 2’ x 3’ in size 

  • The fire extinguisher must be sized appropriately for its use-case:

    1. A cooking area can be typically be protected with a 3-pound or larger ABC extinguisher

    2. A liquid fuel storage area containing fewer than 10 gallons can be protected with a 5-pound or larger ABC extinguisher

    3. A liquid fuel storage area containing fewer than 20 gallons can typically be protected with a 10-pound or larger ABC fire extinguisher 

    4. Fire pits, fire art, and outdoor heaters can be protected with a 3-pound or larger ABC extinguisher, or a 2-gallon or greater water extinguisher, or five gallons of water dedicated to fire suppression 

  • A fire extinguisher must be available within 20’ of any fire or fire device, except for handheld lighters

  • The fire extinguisher should be plainly visible from the standpoint or viewing area of said fire

  • Any use of a fire extinguisher must be reported to Fire Safety by radio regardless of the outcome

On-Site Inspections

Inspections are provided between the hours of 10 AM and 8 PM daily.

If you need an on-site inspection see section on Reporting / Contact below.

Reporting / Contact

How to report things to Fire Safety:


  • Email Fire Safety at


  • Contact Fire Safety in person at the Fire Safety carport in Central Services

  • Contact Ambassadors Embassy, Placement HQ, or Rangers to radio for Fire Safety


  • Email Fire Safety at