Fire Performance

Find your flow state at the event and light up the night with your fire spinning skills!

Find your flow state at the event and light up the night with your fire spinning skills! Spin on your own with a designated safety, or join the Conclave performance before the burn on Saturday night. Either way, all dancers must register through the link provided and follow the safety guidelines to ensure the safety of the property, other participants and yourself! The Fire Conclave lead will be in contact once we receive your registration and just before the event with final instructions.

Please fill out the form here. Questions? Email

Fire Policy for Fire Performers & Liquid Fuel Storage

Fire Performance

1. All Fire Performers require Conclave registration and approval before the event

a. Limited on-site registration may be available at the discretion of the Fire Conclave Leads

b. All performers must be sober to do any fire performing

2. All Fire Demonstrations require Conclave registration and approval before the event

a. Fire demonstrations are only allowed in approved, controlled settings

b. All fire-related classes (e.g. fire play, fire breathing, etc) must submit a safety plan to Fire Safety for approval before being listed in the WWW or taught on-site (See Reporting / Contact)

3. Fire Performances are limited to:

a. In-camp dedicated fire performance areas (see below)

b. Open areas around the event site which comply with all of the restrictions below (e.g. Upper

Bowl between the burnable structures, Main Field turn around near the barn, reserved space in the Meadow, etc)

c. The pre-burn Conclave performance at the MBS on Saturday night

d. Special educational and training areas designated by Fire Safety

4. Require a 20’ clearance from:

a. Any vegetation over 2” tall (such as trees or bushes)

b. Any tent, structures, vehicles, or other object that could be harmed by fire

5. Fuel dipping station must:

a. Be separate from the fire circle

b. Have a sober station manager present

c. Have a designated dip can with a lid which remains closed except when dipping

d. Any fuel spill must be reported to Fire Safety (See Reporting / Contact)

6. When fueling props, use a spin off container to catch excess fuels when spinning fuel from props before lighting or use a light fuel dip

7. Have a designated safety who is sober, capable of assisting in an emergency, and:

a. Familiar with fire props and how to extinguish them

b. Able to move quickly and communicate with the fire dancers

c. No more than 2 fire performers per safety person

8. At least one of the following types of blankets must be available and be at least 2’ by 3’ in size:

a. Duvetyne

b. 100% natural wool blanket

c. Manufactured fire-extinguishing blanket

9. One of the following methods of extinguishing a fire must be nearby and clearly-visible:

a. A 3-pound or larger ABC fire extinguisher

b. A 5-pound or larger CO2 fire extinguisher

Camp-Based Fire Performance Areas

In addition to all of the requirements outlined in Fire Performance above:

1. In-camp areas must be noted on the camp plan that is submitted to Placement

2. Area must be clearly marked or designated when in operation

3. Heavily forested neighborhoods (Forest Entry, North Point Forest, and Riverside), may not have any fire performance areas due to extreme fire danger

Liquid Fuel Storage Areas

1. All liquid fuels (gasoline, diesel, and white gas) must be stored at least 10’ away from:

a. Any RV, tent, or other sleeping area

b. Any driveable roadways (e.g. permanent, SOAK defined, emergency, etc.)

c. Any source of ignition (e.g. flames, electric motors, generators, smoking, etc.)

2. Liquid fuels in quantities more than 10 gallons must be marked (see below), and stored at least:

a. 20’ away from any RV, tent, or other sleeping area

b. 10’ away from any structure, vehicle, or flammable item

3. Any camps needing to store greater than 20 gallons of liquid fuel must notify Fire Safety and receive approval of their storage plan, including the type and size of fire extinguisher(s) required

4. Liquid fuel storage areas of up to ten gallons in size require a 5-pound ABC fire extinguisher to be available nearby and clearly visible

5. Liquid fuel storage areas over ten gallons in size require a 10-pound ABC fire extinguisher to be available nearby and clearly visible

6. Fuel must be stored and transported in containers designed and rated for the type of fuel within

7. Fuel containers must remain closed except when filling or dispensing fuel

8. Fuel storage areas over ten gallons of liquid must be marked with a reflective post, provided by Fire Safety

9. Fuel totals are aggregates for entire camp