SOAK*2024 Reminders

We wanted to put together a set of last minute information and reminders for everyone so that getting to, entering, and then enjoying this year’s SOAK is as smooth as possible!

Participant Waiver: At Gate everyone is expected to sign the Participant Waiver for entry to SOAK*2024. Anyone that wants to read that before they arrive can find a copy of it here: Participant Waiver.

Gate hours: are posted in the Survival Guide, along with what you need to have to gain entry. Please remember that while Gate hours go until after dark, if you arrive after dusk you are probably not going to be allowed to drive your vehicle in to unload. Please plan accordingly.

Gate Advice:

  • Have your copy of your ticket either printed or downloaded onto your phone for ease of scanning.

  • Have your ID ready.

  • Have your RV/Rig/Trailer unlocked and accessible for searches (You will get through more quickly if you know whether your camping vehicle is larger or smaller than 12 feet)

  • Abide by all federal, state, and local driving/vehicle laws. Do not travel with open alcohol containers, illegal drugs or paraphernalia, or hazardous materials.

  • Stay with your vehicle; do not exit the vehicle unless asked to do so.

  • RV's arriving after dark will be staged outside the event until the following morning.

Ticket Transfers: If you were the recipient of a ticket transfer, make sure that you have the actual copy of your ticket. It should have a QR code. Important: If you did not receive an image with a QR code, then the person who transferred the ticket to you needs to send you the copy of your ticket. Please review instructions on the Ticket Transfers Page.

WAP/Work Access Passes (formerly called EA/Early Arrival): Please be sure that if you are volunteering before Thursday, or early on Thursday itself, that you have heard from your department regarding your WAP. Volunteers are generally allowed in at the earliest 5pm the day before your first shift, but you need to be cleared by your department Lead to arrive before Thursday. Theme camp organizers should have heard from Placement regarding your camp’s WAP details.

SOAK*2024 Guides: For anyone that has not seen them yet, the Survival Guide for SOAK*2024 and the What? Where? When? are posted to the main page for easy downloading.

Volunteer Needs: Some departments are still in need of volunteers. Please check this list of highlighted teams in need and consider helping out:

  • Fire Safety - assists with perimeter protection at sanctioned burns and more
  • Fire Conclave Safety - coordinates fire spinners and ensures safety before the MBS. MUST sign up for BOTH Saturday Shifts one at 2pm and one at 8:30pm.
  • DPW - manages transportation, set-up and takedown of SOAK infrastructure.
  • Pathlighters - Help place and maintain consistent lighting for SOAK. Several shifts on Monday 5/27 

You can Register to volunteer in Volcor right now.

Fire Performers and Spinners: If you want to fire perform on your own, at a designated fire circle, or with conclave before the MBS burn, you need to fill out the Fire Performer Registration Form pre-event.

PSA About Tent Camping (for those who thought they couldn't): Dr. Bev has put together a little set of tips for comfy camping, particularly for those low income or older. Check it out here!

Lost and Found: Found something that someone lost? Take it to the Embassy right away! This will help people get their things back during the event instead of volunteers taking a month trying to get things back to people after SOAK is over.

Buying Ice at SOAK: Please have cash to buy ice or have a Venmo account already setup! For the first time you can buy ice other than cash at SOAK!


SOAK Burn Livestream


unityHaven Guidelines